Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Preliminary Designs for Costumes, Part IV

Below are preliminary costume design renderings by designer Jonathan Southwell. These preliminary renderings came out of a two-pronged research process. Jonathan was inspired by clothing from the time period in which Mozart lived (especially for the members of Mozart's family) as well as a more fantastical version of elements of clothes from the period for the Cloud Chorus characters. These preliminary design ideas were shared on November 10, 2010.
Preliminary design rendering for Mozart.
Preliminary design rendering for Wagenseil, the Court Composer.
Preliminary design rendering of the three Musicians, Maestro Staccato, Maestro Legato, and Maestro Fortissimo. See below for a colored rendering of Maestro Fortissimo.
Preliminary design rendering for the Cloud Chorus, emphasizing the ease of movement needed for these characters.

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